Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Tale of Two Chips: Mommy Cuts, Part II

"Denny's has the Best Nachos ever!" M&M said at Girly Stuff's Superbowl Party as I helped myself to seconds and thirds of all the cheesilicious dips that she had brought.

My ears instantly perked up.

"Really?...Denny's?...I would never think to order Nachos from Denny's..." I think I said.

So today after church, MMA decided we should go, (where else?) to Denny's for breakfast since we rushed out of the house without eating much.

Since it was technically
after noon when we sat down, and since I never order anything but breakfast at Denny's, I decided to live a little. M&M knows her way around a tortilla chip, so I figured I was in for a treat. Besides, one of my favorite foods of all time are ballpark nachos and I hardly ever make it to an Astros game anymore.

Oh, I like the kind of nachos you can get anywhere with the processed cheese food, canned jalapenos and round chips in a plastic tray. But if I'm at Minute Maid Park, I am magnetically and inexplicably pulled to the deluxe nachos every time. The deluxe start out like regular nachos, but then they are slathered in chili taco meat, sour cream, salsa and served with a spork. The first few bites are heavenly, but from there, the whole experience goes downhill,
fast. I should know better by this stage in life...

My husband forced a half smile in my direction as I dove in. He was trying not to judge my choice. I did not care, anyway. The monster mound in front of me was my muse for the moment. Huge, sloppy, cheesy and just greasy enough, Denny's nachos did not disappoint!

I ate about half the plate when the urge to run to the bathroom started to kick in. That was my cue to stop eating. The mind was willing but the flesh was weak. I told MMA to go pay and don't look back. I thought being left alone at the table and pretending to myself that he would drive off without me would be the only way I could pull myself away before things turned........ugly.

He said gently,
"No, I'm not in any hurry."

Unspoken expression runs so deep between long-term partners. I looked at the half-devoured mess on my plate and back at the one who sat across from me. A man who has seen me at my best, at my worst and like today in chili-stained weakness. I looked at him grateful to be loved in this condition.

"Why did I order these?" I asked as the churning in my stomach became audible.

"You love to hate yourself," he answered, without a hint of judgement. He just said what
was, at that table in Denny's today.

I began to nod in agreement as he brought to my attention that what I was actually eating, were Minute Maid Deluxe Nachos.

"Gasp!" The room was spinning as I started checking off familiar ingredients in my head. Twice the portion. Half the price. But these
were the very same nachos made famous by Aramark. They love me and they leave me...burning, every time.

They found me because I couldn't come to them. If distance makes the heart grow fonder, maybe their new-found accessibility (right in my own backyard) will cure me of this tormenting affair. One thing is for sure, we can't go on like this.

Excuse me, (pant, pant) I need to take care of some private business!


Terra said...

ok, but they tasted great right!

Aggie2percenter said...

I can't judge you. I was too busy gulping down my moons over my hammy to pay attention to your nachos. The only one that seemed to be judging was only child. And I think his digust was due to the fact that there were no donuts.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your intestinal distress. I fall into that trap everytime too. Do ya'll have Taco Casa down there? If so, you might want to stay away from their super nachos...

jmt said...

LOL Indulging in food is never something I would judge another about! :) I inhaled some things I shouldn't last night....and...well, nearly everday. I hope it was worth it, although by being half-price I hardly doubt they disappointed.

Live.Love.Eat said...


Chili stained weakness????? Genius!!!!!!!

You love to hate yourself he said. I think that's my problem. I had wings tonight and I wasn't even hungry!!!

Woman Interrupted said...

Thankfully, no, we do not have Taco Casa. Is that like Taco Cabana? (Which is a very cheap place to get respectable Mexican fast food.)

American Homemaker said...

Mmmm.... now I want nachos :)

Courtney said...

The look delicious. Were they worth it?

popped over from terra's...

Unknown said...

I'm sorry that your nachos were not nice to you. They sure looked good.

And I have to tell you that you make me laugh!

Girly Stuff said...

You should have known better! Don't you know how M&M achieved her name? She eats family sized bags of M&M's for dinner!!!

I guess Denny's nachos are to you what the foot-long chili cheese ballpark hot dog is to me. I obviously hate myself too.

Jill said...

This is SO funny! I'm with you on the nachos with processed cheese! My friends and I call them "Skanky Nachos." I eat them as often as I can. Baseball games, the rodeo, you name it! I've never tried the Denny's version. Hmm....

meg manion silliker said...

i've been hearing about denny's so much lately. perhaps i need to make a visit. i'm guessing you liked them but they didn't like you!! and by the way, thank you for visiting my blog. i appreciate that!! now i want some nachos...thanks a lot!!

Bonnie said...

Oh, you had me laughing at this one! Isn't it great to have a mate who loves us without judgment?

I made a Southwest soup the other day and the next day for lunch I poured it over nachos with some cheese and sour cream. It was pretty yummy. I will have to post that recipe for you.

I keep a gratitude journal and my husband looked over my shoulder the other night and said.. "you are thankful for mexican food?" I said "oh yes"..haha

Heather said...

You are hilarious!