UPS recovered our package (a week after it was delivered) from the couple who were guilty of nothing more than not being neighborly enough to walk the damn thing over. To my chagrin, we opened it up and there was no remote control inside!! (Just some other equipment that I don't care about.) So the man says he'll send the long-awaited remote right over...via UPS.
Enough wasted energy! I'm not going to try to wrap my mind around "why?"
Original post:
I'm frustrated and beside myself over the stupidest thing.
I spent 30 minutes tracking a UPS package that was "delivered" last week. The sender thoughtfully left an automated message asking how I was getting along with my new stuff.
I saw the UPS guy deliver the package to my next door neighbor last week. The driver was blocking me in as I was getting in my car to leave one day, so I walked down the driveway to see if it was the new equipment we were eagerly awaiting, namely, a remote control that works...a brand new one (you starting to understand how important this is to me/us???)
To my delight, the box was clearly marked Di$# Network; but instead of delivering the goods into my outstretched hands, he sliced right and left it on my neighbor's porch.
I fear this was a crossroad in my life, and I choked; chose the wrong path.
I could have said, "Excuse me, but I was waiting for a package from that same sender. Are you sure that's not meant for this house?"
Or I could have immediately called UPS Worldwide Headquarters and put them on the case.
Or, I could have (and in hindsight, should have) waited until the driver left, snuck up to the door and grabbed what was rightfully mine.
Knowing that my neighbors have the same, shall we say, master, I gave 'em the benefit of the doubt that just maybe, they too, were waiting for a box exactly the right size to fit my stuff. I let it go. I never doubted that if the box was meant for us, it would find its way to our porch.
That never happened and now UPS is on it and I'm not responsible for the loss. But I wonder...
Are they partying down with my new remote?
Was I intentionally wronged? (A teeny-tiny, perhaps naive, part of me wants to believe it is an honest mistake.)
And most importantly, where do we go from here as neighbors?
Do they suspect we know they took our sh--, our stuff? (Don't stand between me and the ability to pause and replay live TV. I'm from the barrio; it'll get ugly.)
These are Next.Door.Neighbors, for the love of all that is right in the world! This is not suppose to happen on my street. (Remember my wonderful street?) But that house, I'm afraid, has a spirit that attracts the weird ones... I'd better leave it at that.
I'm torn.
Our pastor was just preaching on Sunday that Christians give the benefit of the doubt. They don't bring up old trash. Or gossip. Or talk the way I sometimes talk onmyblogandinreallife. I'm suppose to set an example and love my neighbor as myself.
But myself wants to bang on their door and demand some answers. And get my remote, NOW, not five days from now when the man acknowledges my loss and reUPSes it.
Today, I am not only Woman Interrupted, I am Woman Scorned.
And when you hear from me next time, I'm going to be so over this petty diversion.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
3 days ago