Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sick Days are...

Sick Days are all about learning things you didn't know about your family.

Our little one takes to any kind of music that he's exposed to and his recall is amazing. His repertoire includes all the classics.

It's not unusual to catch him singing bits of Beetles songs, Elton John, or Frank Sinatra. You'd crack up if you heard him singing Pancho and Lefty. At night we make up lyrics to Brahms lullaby to sing about what we did that day. Well, I guess he's got an ear for contemporary music, too...

Only Child woke up with a little fever, so we ditched school and decided to lay in bed all day in PJs. But that was only fun until about noon, and by then we had read his new Big Backyard magazine cover to cover, watched plenty of TV and played with all the upstairs toys.

We were getting hungry and Tasty Time with Ze Fronk gave us an idea to make popcorn with nuts and dried fruit. We have a rule in our house: if you're sick, you get to eat whatever you want.

The Tylenol was kicking in and things were looking up. Being silly in the kitchen, one thing led to another, and I busted out with a few lines from Blackeyed Peas "My Humps."

Only Child stops me and says wide-eyed, "Mommy, that's the song the clown was singing when Daddy took me to the mall. I like that song."

I was puzzled, yes, but we were having fun, so I didn't dwell. He already knew the "Whatcha gonna do with all that junk" part. Which freed me up to be just Fergie. Minus the vulgar jeans, with slightly tweaked lyrics, but I was feeling it, sure.

I was playing to the BEST audience. Lot's of giggles and applause.

A little later, after we ate our snack he says, "Mommy, sing that song again that I like........and this time wiggle."

["Say what!?"]

I can't wait for Daddy to get home to explain the clown and the mall and what a three year old knows about wiggling.


Terra said...

I don't know weather to laugh or not, ok, I do - I am so laughing. I can just picture the whole scene in my head (and I am looking forward to dads recall too)

Aggie2percenter said...

Wha?! I have never taken him to the mall! I don't remember the last time I went to a mall. That must have been a dream. He's been having alot of clown dreams lately. Weird!

Woman Interrupted said...

Mmm Hmm. About what I expected to hear.

Bonnie said...

Just a dream huh? Sound fishy to me. I used to sing and be silly with my kids, now that they are 8 & 11 they get embarrassed and say "don't ever do that in front of my friends!" They can't tell me what to do. Keep having fun!

Mother Hood said...

I'm so interested to hear what your husband comes up with! This is gonna be a gooood one! Don't forget to share!

Girly Stuff said...

This sounds all very suspicious.

Did he say mall or Hooters?

And you know you don't have to be sick at your house to eat whatever you want! You don't have to lie, Craig!

Heather said...

Ha! Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

Candi said...

Sounds like a fabulous day! There is nothing better than an excuse to lay in bed all morning.

Unknown said...

Too funny. I especially like Dad's comment above. :)

Terra said...

did you get your jiggle wiggle explanation yet?

Miss Priss said...

Did you really never watch ER?????

Woman Interrupted said...

MMA demands that I restore his good name. Only Child has recanted his story and now says it was mommy who took him to the mall. Although he maintains that the clown was singing that song...